
"Zanu PF wants to abolish SDAs in order to loot school levies to fund 2018 Election"

"Zanu PF wants to abolish SDAs in order to loot school levies to fund 2018 Election"

The Zanu PF controlled government has  been accused of having an ulterior motive in banning School Development Authorities (SDA) so that they can loot the funds paid for school levies in order to fund the 2018 Elections.    They accusation is partly based on what happened to ZImabwe  Manpower Develop[ment Fund (Zimdef) where Jonathan Moyo is under investigation for misappropriation of funds.

Harare mayor, Bernard Manyenyeni said:

School development levies are not taxes and the government has no business in dictating to parents what and how to use levies on. Rather, the government must capacitate schools to enhance accountability.

No one trusts this government with money, so this is another thieving project by (Primary and Secondary Education minister Lazarus) Dokora and team. Parents are not asking for protection from Dokora, but to be left to manage schools.

MDC-T spokesperson, Obert Gutu said:

Hands off SDAs! We know that the proposed NBF will be looted left, right and centre, just like what is happening with Zimdef. You cannot release a hungry lion inside a cattle pen and hope to still keep and grow your cattle herd

People’s Democratic Party spokesperson, Jacob Mafume said Zanu PF:

This government is full of crooks from their own confessions. Look at how they have been abusing school buses and now they want to keep money. How can they be better at keeping money when they have lost a whole currency

More:  Newsday



