
Ruvheneko launches online TV Show

Ruvheneko launches online TV Show

Radio Personality Ruvheneko Parirenyatwa is set to launch her own online television show. Unsurprisingly, the show will be called Ruvheneko and it will be broadcast on online media such as Facebook Live and  Instagram.

Ruvheneko has already proved that online her online shows can be a success and can disrupt traditional television after she used Facebook Live in January to interview controversial hip hop artist Stunner when he was having marital issues with his wife Olinda Chapel.  She successful managed to capture the attention of Zimbabweans when asked hard hitting stories of Stunner.  One her her show’s major appeals as she then was to allow the audience to have a say in the proceedings

Ruvheneko realises that some people do no have access to fast and reliable internet connections. As a result, her shows will be uploaded on her Youtube channel for later viewing.
Speaking to HMetro Ruvheneko said:

On Thursday 2 February 2017, I launch ,y online TV Show “called Ruvheneko.” It will air online using new media platforms, so go to liking the Facebook page, “Ruvheneko” so you do not miss a moment. There will also be the use of Twitter and Instagram so follow me there too.

..We are interactive with our audience as it happens so we get their input on every topic we discuss. Aware that there are millions who are not on any form of social media, the show will be uploaded on my Youtube Channel “Ruvheneko Parirenyatwa” for later viewing

Doing her show online means that the “Iron Lady” as Ruvheneko is affectionately called, will not be encumbered by beauracracy. It also gives her an opportunity to go after the stories that she wants without worrying about stepping on anyone’s toes.

More: HMetro
