
Audios: Mugabe defends corrupt Zanu PF "big fish", says there are no opposition parties in Zim

Audios: Mugabe defends corrupt Zanu PF "big fish", says there are no opposition parties in Zim

Mugabe says that he has heard the “rumour” that top Zanu PF officials are corrupt but he said that people are not coming out to say that “big fish” is doing this hence nothing can be done. He also said some just blame the “big fish”. You can listen to the audio below:

He denies claims that Zanu PF infiltrates parties and causes their disintegration. Mugabe further notes that there is no opposition stating that there is a duplication of parties namely MDC-T and MDC-N and the Mutasa and Gumbo faction of Zimbabwe People First. You can listen to the audio below:
