
Water cuts to increase in Harare as council starts repairing burst pipes

Water cuts to increase in Harare as council starts repairing burst pipes

Water cuts are expected to increase in Harare as council moves in to start repairing numerous burst pipes in the city.

Speaking to Daily News, Harare City Council spokesperson, Michael Chideme said:

Over the past month, we have received numerous reports of burst pipes. However, we have not been attending to them because it would translate into dry days for the city. But recently, we noticed that if we continue ignoring the matter, more water would be lost, which is why the control station had to be shut down to make way for repairs.

The city’s director of water Hosea Chisango said that council has given the contractor until December to complete the refurbishment of Morton Jaffray (MJ) Waterworks.

More: Daily News
