
Ministers who have NOT lost their posts, not mentioned yesterday

7 years agoTue, 10 Oct 2017 06:46:58 GMT
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Ministers who have NOT lost their posts, not mentioned yesterday

On Monday President Robert Mugabe reshuffled his Cabinet. The Office of the President And Cabinet released a list of ministers who had been reassigned as well as new appointments. However, this has led to some confusion as there are some ministers whose portfolios remain unchanged who were not mentioned at all. This has led to some confusion that they may have been dropped. So just to clarify here is the list of ministers who still hold their portfolios but were not mentioned in the cabinet reshuffle.

1. Sydney Sekeramayi – Minister of Defence

2. Josiah Hungwe – Minister of State for Liaising on Psychomotor Activities in Education

3. Jonathan Moyo – Minister of Higher and Tertiary Education, Science and Technological Development

4. Nyasha Chikwinya – Minister of Women’s Affairs, Gender and Community Development

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5. Walter Chidhakwa – Minister of Mines and Mining Development

6.  Samuel Undenge – Minister of Energy and Power Development

7 .David Parirenyatwa – Minister of Health and Child Welfare

8. Supa Mandiwanzira – Minister of Information, Technology and Courier Services

9. Lazarus Dokora – Minister of Primary and Secondary Education

10. Mike Bimha – Minister of Industry and Commerce

11. Douglas Mombeshora – Minister of Lands and Rural Resettlement

12. Joseph Made – Minister of Agriculture Mechanization and Irrigation Development

13. Phelekezela Mphoko – Minister responsible for National Healing and Reconciliation

14. Joram Gumbo -Minister of Transport and Infrastructure Development

15. Sithembiso Nyoni – Minister of Small Medium Enterprises and Cooperative Development



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