
Man struggles to get birth certificates for 11 children

Man struggles to get birth certificates for 11 children

 Flexen Siziba (53) from Robert Sinyoka in Bulawayo has failed to get birth certificates for his 11 children. His wife who also did not have a birth certificate or an identity card, died last year and was buried at her rural home in Masvingo. Her family said they could only help him get birth certificates for his children aged between 8 and 24 years if he pays at least $1 800 towards the bride price.

Siziba makes a $1 in three days from selling firewood and uses the money to buy food for three children who are still under his care. Nine of his children have failed to sit for Grade 7 examinations because they do not have birth certificates. Only two of hos children proceeded to Form 4 but have failed to access their results. Two of his daughters aged 24 and 19 are already married with children. 

Siziba appealed to well-wishers to help him raise at least $17 so he can collect birth records for four children which are at Pelandaba Clinic. Trinity (a children’s rights organisation) has helped Siziba access birth records for three of his children who were born at Mpilo Central Hospital.

More: Chronicle
