
Number Of Suspected Cholera Cases Reaches 94

Number Of Suspected Cholera Cases Reaches 94

The Ministry of Health has given an update on the cholera outbreak. Speaking through its Twitter account, the ministry said that the number of suspected cholera cases is now 94. The number of deaths remains at 4. There is one suspected case in Norton. which is linked to a funeral that occurred in Chegutu on the 18th of January 2018 where four people died from cholera.

Zimbabwe is on high alert and is screening travellers at Zambian border points. The outbreak in Zambia has affected at least 3 000 people and has claimed 70 lives so far. Speaking in the National Assembly recently, Health minister David Parirenyatwa said Zimbabwe has been on high alert since the outbreak of the disease in Lusaka early this month.

Cholera is caused by eating food or drinking water contaminated with a bacterium called Vibrio cholerae. The cholera outbreak has been blamed on poor hygiene caused by inadequate water supplies.
