Mnangagwa's Wife Gives Up Parliamentary Seat

President Emmerson Mnangagwa announced that his wife, Auxilia Mnangagwa has given up her Chirumanzu-Zibagwe National Assembly seat to concentrate on her national duties as First Lady. He was speaking at a Zanu-PF rally in Mvuma.
There is no law that forbids the first lady from holding a public office but ever since she assumed the role, Auxilia has been travelling Zimbabwe doing philanthropic and humanitarian work which could affect her parliamentary and constituency-based responsibilities. Said Mnangagwa:
Manga muna mai venyu, Mai Mnangagwa, muchifamba navo, vachifamba nemi vari MP wenyu. Ndazodzoka kuborder jumper, ivo (amai) havana kuinda neni, vakasara vakachengeta mhuri. Vakaona matambudziko akawanda, asi vakaramba vakangotsunga, vakangotsunga. Vakati zvino baba zvamava President, ini ndaFirst Lady, ndandafunga kuti handisungirwe kuti ndingoita Amai Mnangagwa veChirumanzu-Zibagwe (chete). Chiregayi ndiite mai venyika. Ndikati hallelujah! Hallelujah! Asi hazvibvire kuti havasiri mai venyu, aiwa. Tasvika pekuti ipo, saka iko zvino izvi takawirirana na- Amai Mnangagwa kuti vachirega huMP kuno. Vaakuregera kubva nhasi, voita mai venyika. Vava MP kose-kose kwavanokwanisa kuita. Imwi vekuno mosarudzana muZanu-PF kuti muwane vamwe mai, vamwe baba vachatora chinzvimbo ichocho. (The First Lady has asked me to tell you this message. She will now be concentrating on being the mother of the nation, she will be travelling countrywide initiating developmental and empowerment projects. You have not lost because she will continue with all projects she started here. So, it is now up to you to elect another representative during primary elections, who will represent the party in the forthcoming elections.)
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