
We Can Only Help Those Who Have The Resources Required To Save Their Lives: Govt Hospital Exec

We Can Only Help Those Who Have The Resources Required To Save Their Lives: Govt Hospital Exec

United Bulawayo Hospitals (UBH), acting chief executive officer, Narcisius Dzvanga told the Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Women and Youth Affairs on Monday that government hospitals are struggling to cope with the sheer number of patients. She said the hospitals were severely under-resourced and are forced to ask patients to buy all the items needed for their treatment. Said Dzvanga,

We are performing miracles because there is no money. Any money that comes in goes to our debts or equipment that would be required urgently. We still have to feed patients, buy X-ray films and all of that. That is why we end up making patients buy resources required to save their lives; we do not have a choice. We are willing to help those who have resources required to save their lives because other than that, we might as well close shop.

In March, doctors went on a month-long strike in which they protested about the shortage of essential drugs and equipment among other things.

More: NewsDay
