You Cannot All Be Employed, Farming Is More Than Being Employed- Mnangagwa
President Mnangagwa said not everyone can be employed and that farming is more than being employed.
He said this whilst addressing a crowd of Zion Christian Church (ZCC) congregants during the Kudzika Mugomo conference meant to pray for the rains at the church’s headquarters in Bikita. Said Mnangagwa:
There are others who do not listen and always talk of unemployment when land can be a panacea to all our economic challenges. Do you think if all of you here, with your numbers, look for employment, will you all be employed? I think working on land is more than being employed. At the turn of the millennium, our former President Mr Mugabe gave us land and it is now time to till that land –making it productive. We never chose to be between Zambezi and Limpopo, as a country, and Zimbabwe is now the Garden of Eden, it’s God who made that.
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