
Uzumba Maramba Pfungwe Hailstorm Victims Get Groceries, Building Materials

Uzumba Maramba Pfungwe Hailstorm Victims Get Groceries, Building Materials

The Department of Social Welfare donated groceries and building materials to villagers in Uzumba-Maramba-Pfungwe who were left homeless after heavy rains that fell recently.

The villagers recently received the donations through their local authorities at a ceremony held at Chitsungo Primary School in Uzumba-Maramba-Pfungwe. In a speech read on her behalf by provincial deputy director Mr Pafunge Mapfumo, Minister of State for Mashonaland East Provincial Affairs Apoloniah Munzverengi said Government will never watch idly whilst people suffer. Said Munzverengi:

The Government will not watch idly while our people suffer. Today I have managed, through my office and the Department of Social Welfare, to source a few goodies to help you in this difficult time. This includes doors, door frames, cooking oil, soap and grain. Government of Zimbabwe, through the Department of Social Welfare, has the mandate for social protection of all citizens in times of need. I have been made aware that over 130 families bore the worst of the storm and had their entire homes, properties and livelihoods were destroyed.

The heavy rains, which ravaged the UMP district, killed a six-year-old girl and injured many. The girl has since been buried.

More: Herald
