
Studio 263 Actor Denzel Burutsa (Jabu)'s Se_xtape Leaks

Studio 263 Actor Denzel Burutsa (Jabu)'s Se_xtape Leaks

Studio 263 actor Denzel Burutsa who played the character of Jabu has a se_x-tape which started circulating on social media over the weekend.

Burutsa apologised for the tape, saying that private matters should be kept private:

“I would like to thank everyone who has expressed displeasure over and anger towards me for my leaked private content.

“Private affairs should remain that private.

“It is for the reason that I wish to sincerely apologise unreservedly to everyone, family, friends, fans and corporate community, directly or indirectly affected by recent events as a result of my temporary lapse in judgment.

“We learn from our mistakes to be better people and with this incident, I have learnt my lessons.

“Yours truly Denzel Burutsa.”


More: Chronicle
