
A Mob Badly Assault A Bulawayo Man In A Case of Mistaken Identity

A Mob Badly Assault A Bulawayo Man In A Case of Mistaken Identity

A many carrying out his employer’s orders was reportedly badly assaulted by an angry mob in Bulawayo yesterday.

The man who was driving a Sincere Security van was mistaken to be a child trafficker and an angry mob gathered around his Van and opened it and 4 or so children were in the Van and the mob went wild.

According to ZimLive:

It turned out the man was transporting his employer’s children. The children’s parents, who were also in town doing some errands before leaving for Masvingo to attend a church conference, arrived at the police station to clear up the misunderstanding.

It is thought the children, who appeared confused and even began to cry when they saw the mob, were in fact playing when their noise at the back of the van was mistaken for a cry for help

More: ZimLive
