
ZITF: 10 Teenage Girls Arrested For 'Disorderly Conduct'

ZITF: 10 Teenage Girls Arrested For 'Disorderly Conduct'

The Zimbabwe Republic Police said that it arrested 10 teenage girls in Bulawayo on Saturday, the closing day of the 60th edition of the Zimbabwe International Trade Fair (ZITF).

The girls were among 49 youths aged between 15 and 25 years who were arrested for disorderly behaviour. The 10 teenage girls, aged between 13 and 17 years, were “rescued” and released into the custody of their parents and guardians.

The youths were arrested for criminal nuisance as they were reportedly drunk and blocking traffic in the city’s CBD.

Speaking to the media, Bulawayo acting police spokesperson Inspector Abednico Ncube said:

As police, we are concerned about the behaviour of some of the teenagers and youths.

We have made repeated calls, urging parents and guardians to closely monitor their children’s activities, especially on the first Saturday after schools close for the term and the last Saturday of the holiday and any Saturday with prominent events like ZITF.

However, we are concerned that parents don’t seem to be heeding our calls. As police we can report their children’s activities to schools and that will have an impact on their future.

We want children to return to schools as children, not as drunkards, adults or drug addicts.

More: Chronicle
