
Gweru Sex Workers Dollarise, Shun RTGS Dollars

Gweru Sex Workers Dollarise, Shun RTGS Dollars

Commercial sex workers in the Midlands capital, Gweru have dollarized their services in line with current business practises.

According to reports, there are about 5 000 registered sex workers in the City.

Speaking to New Zimbabwe during a media tour of the Midlands sponsored by National Aids Council (NAC), the thigh vendors claimed that they had to dollarise since most of their needs require foreign currency.

A 19-year-old sex worker who spoke to New Zimbabwe had this to say:

Early this year, we agreed as sex workers to accept payment only in United States dollars in all our services because the bond note is now useless.

We used to be paid in bond notes and then go to the parallel market to buy the dollar but we have seen that this is not working at all.

Another sex worker revealed that they now charge US$5 for a short time and up to US$40 for the whole night.

More: New Zimbabwe
