
17 June 2019 Celebrating 102 Years Of Umdala Wethu, Chibwechitedza, Father Zimbabwe

17 June 2019 Celebrating 102 Years Of Umdala Wethu, Chibwechitedza, Father Zimbabwe

I’m sure if our old man was alive a few young artists would have composed songs for and about him. I’m sure he would have modern slang names like Chibaba, Chibabest, Chimdhara etc.

Father Zimbabwe was born Mqabuko Nyongolo Nkomo on 17 June 1917 in present-day Bulilima. He exuded and oozed so much wisdom and sense and intelligence you wouldn’t help but love him. Today we celebrate 102 years of Nkomo and we want him to trend on social media and make it all about him.

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  1. #102YearsOfNkomo
  2. #CelebratinguMdalaWethu
  3. #NkomoToTheWorld
