
"Let Reforms Begin From The Top," ED Told

"Let Reforms Begin From The Top," ED Told

President Mnangagwa has been told to start implementing reforms from the top before seeking to reform the general populace. This comes after president Mnangagwa remarked during a Capitalk 100.4FM radio show that he would like to see a transformed Zimbabwe.

Speaking on the radio on Friday, Mnangagwa said:

News Day, however, feels that Mnangagwa needs to first work hard to reform his team’s mindsets and way of doing things because “that is where the problems afflicting this nation are originating from.” The publication says:

The reforms he is telling us about should start from the top.

News Day made reference to utterances by the Grain Millers Association of Zimbabwe (GMAZ) vice-chairperson Masimba Dzomba who “unashamedly” announced that Zimbabwe was left with one month’s supply of wheat in the country. 

The publication laments over the Dzomba’s relaxed tone when he made the announcement. News Day is also saddened by the collapse of the Agriculture sector, a scenario which left the country importing wheat the country used to produce in abundance.
The publication attributes all this to poor leadership and poor management. It further claims that poor leadership is generously distributed amongst Mnangagwa’s lieutenants. Therefore, when Mnangagwa speaks of reforming our deeds and thoughts, they would not comprehend his message.

More: News Day
