
5.7 Million People Require Food Aid In Zimbabwe

5.7 Million People Require Food Aid In Zimbabwe

The government at a Zanu PF Provincial Coordination Committee in Mashonaland East province revealed the following statistics according to ZBC News Online.

5.7 Million people require food aid. Therefore 800 000 tonnes of maize is needed to fed the 5.7 million people.

The food crisis has been intensified by the drought or low rainfall that most parts of the country experienced during the 2019/2019 rain season. Another network, Famine Early Warning Systems Network has echoed the Zanu Pf Coordinating Committee findings by saying:

The deteriorating macroeconomy and significantly below average 2018/19 crop production are expected to drive widespread Crisis food security outcomes through at least January 2020. In high production northern areas and some central parts of the country Stressed outcomes are expected through August, after which Crisis outcomes are expected.

One cannot deny the fact that the deteriorating economy is also playing a part in the food crisis that is looming.

