
FULL TEXT: Bulawayo Town Clerk Suspended Pending Disciplinary Investigation

FULL TEXT: Bulawayo Town Clerk Suspended Pending Disciplinary Investigation

The Acting Mayor for Bulawayo City, Councillor Tinashe Kambarami has suspended Town Clerk, Mr Christopher Dube, over mismanagement allegations. Read the full text below.


I write to inform you that you are hereby suspended from your duties as Bulawayo City Council Town Clerk with immediate effect. This suspension is made in terms of the Urban Councils Act Section 139 (3) (a) that relates to the conditions of employment of a Town Clerk. This suspension is without benefits and you are hereby ordered to surrender all council property in your possession.
Allegations against you are as follows:
1.Water Crises

The city has experienced one of the worst water delivery ever due to lack of your supervision. As stated in section 136 (2) (h) that a Town Clerk shall be responsible for the effectiveness and efficiency of the organization of the council and the coordination and where necessary the integration of its activities and for the purpose he may after consultation with the Head of Department concerned, inspect, inquire into, and investigate the working and administration of any department or section thereof, either by himself or through any person authorized by him. Your failure to effectively manage repairs and maintenance works has exposed the city to water borne diseases like cholera and typhoid.
2 Misappropriation of ward retention fund as stipulated in the Ward Retention Fund
Constitution/ policy. According to the council minutes as submitted 3 July 2019 the fund is supposed to be having a credit of $4 441909 yet the account showed less than $10 000 balance as at 10 July 2019. You therefore misled Council. It is also alleged that you paid some contractors in advance without authority of council and yet works have not been done and council has lost money. Your above actions contravenes section 136 (2) (e) which reads; ” The Town Clerk shall account to the council for the performance of any tasks entrusted through him or her to the employees of the council and introduce, implement and monitor adequate control systems. Your failure to administer,

