
ZIMRA Seizes 2 City Of Kwekwe Ambulances

ZIMRA Seizes 2 City Of Kwekwe Ambulances

The Zimbabwe Revenue Authority (ZIMRA) has impounded two ambulances that were reportedly donated to Kwekwe City Council by a former ZANU PF legislator.

The development was confirmed by acting Town Clerk Lucia Mkandla, who said that she was not aware of the reasons behind ZIMRA’s move. She said:

The ambulances were impounded. We don’t know the reason. I believe Zimra was just doing its job. was told by its source that some ZANU PF officials may have used their influence to smuggle the vehicles into the country. Said the source:

The ambulances were donated to the council by then Mbizo MP Mupereri.

The reason for the impound of the vehicles we understand is because their entry into the country was questionable. They are believed to have been smuggled into the country without any tax clearance.

A top ally of President Emmerson Mnangagwa who has been arrested for abuse of office is thought to have used his power to facilitate the illegal entry of the ambulances into the country.

