
Zimbabwe To Send Team To Moza For 150MW Power Talks

Zimbabwe To Send Team To Moza For 150MW Power Talks

The government of Zimbabwe will next week send a delegation from the Energy Ministry to Mozambique to negotiate for more electricity imports.

Zimbabwe is currently receiving 50MW from Hydro Cahora Bassa and is seeking to strike a deal that will see power imports increased to at least 150MW.

This was revealed by the Minister of Energy and Power Development, Fortune Chasi in an interview with The Sunday Mail. He said:

We are intensifying the scale of our negotiations with Cahora Bassa and we will be posting a team from our Ministry and Zesa for the negotiations.

They will be going there on Monday or Tuesday (this week).

At the moment we are not in a position to speak about the quantum of power, but we are hoping that we can start at 150MW and then at a later stage the quantum can be increased to 400MW.

The country owes Cahora Bassa US$40 million from previous power imports. Chasi added that the government acknowledges that power imports from Mozambique will only be increased after the debt is cleared. He said:

One of the important aspects of the negotiations is obviously the legacy debt that we owe. We have a structure that we are committed to implementing to clear the debt.

We are fully aware that only after clearing our debts, we will be able to get positive feedback on the amounts that we can import from Mozambique.

… These are our neighbours and the good thing is that we can interact at all levels. We have nothing to hide from them, so are going to pursue all means necessary to make sure that our negotiations with them achieve positive results.

More: The Sunday Mail
