
Harare Will Engage ZACC To Investigate The Tender Given To Ex President ‘s Nephew - Harare Mayor

Harare Will Engage ZACC To Investigate The Tender Given To Ex President ‘s Nephew - Harare Mayor

The Harare Mayor Councillor Herbert Gomba, on Twitter, said his council will engage ZACC To investigate the former president’s Nephew who was the spokesperson on the former president’s funeral over a tender to build a backwash treatment plant for the city. According to the mayor, the backwash treatment plant never worked despite the nephew receiving payment for it.

Harare will engage the new Zacc to investigate the tender alleged given to ex Prez ‘s nephew who was funeral spokesman to built a new backwash treatment plant bluish in color along Bulawayo rd at Morton Jeffrey plant,which despite payments never worked ,causing water problems

The mayor never mentioned any names. the notable former President Zimbabwe has is President Mugabe, Leo Mugabe was the funeral spokesperson, however, Mr mayor may have been referring to someone else when he tweeted.

Source: Hebert Gomba Twitter 
