
Strive Masiyiwa: Corruption Is Destroying Nations

Strive Masiyiwa: Corruption Is Destroying Nations

Business tycoon and founder of Econet Wireless, Strive Masiyiwa says corruption destroys nations.

Presenting the ninth annual Desmond Tutu International peace lecture in South Africa on Monday, Masiyiwa also called for the protection of whistle-blowers. He said:

Nations are destroyed by corruption and yet we speak about it in a cynical way. Come elections, up comes the topic of corruption and then it dies away.

You ask me about public trust, but our people don’t believe we can do anything because of impunity. Corruption has no colour, no religion, no gender. I have met corrupt women. I have met corrupt men. I have met white corrupt men.

South African anti-apartheid and human rights activist, Desmond Tutu turned 88 on Monday. He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize on 16 October 1984 for his activism over the years.

More: TimesLive
