
Experts Urge Farmers To Be 'Smart'

Experts Urge Farmers To Be 'Smart'

Farmers have been urged not to panic due to the prevailing dry spell but to devise moisture preserving methods to ensure plant growth.

Agriculture expert and Agriseeds director (sales and marketing), Ivan Craig, said farmers still have a chance to plant their summer crops. Said:

Farmers still have the chance to plant their summer crops. Farmers can also prepare the land and if they have done so they should come back and harness as much moisture as possible through ridging.

If the crops have emerged, they can grow using dew. Those who have not yet planted can establish a medium population of between 36 000 plants and 46 000 plants per hectare and they will not compete for moisture and nutrients.

Meanwhile, African research scientist and University of Zimbabwe (UZ) professorial chair of the Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Engineering, Professor Sheunesu Mpepereki, said that Zimbabwe has many water bodies and should make full use of them for agriculture.

More: The Herald
