
'The Nation Has Lost Confidence In ZANU'fied Cde RBZ' - Daniel Shumba

'The Nation Has Lost Confidence In ZANU'fied Cde RBZ' - Daniel Shumba

Basic economics will inform you of ‘Supply and Demand’. This tenet can never be separated from the Freedom of Choice. You can’t prescribe the truth Cde Reserve Bank, neither can you command people’s hard earnings to feed a corrupt and reckless system. Kuribe Chintu!

The RBZ’s bully tactics and never-ending Fandango style of thinking have located the RBZ at the centre of the biggest national heist. You don’t respect private property rights and will use ‘Wild West’ economics to rip off citizens and investors. In short, you’re now ‘Zanu’fied.

The nation has no confidence in the RZB. You’re truthful an ‘Instrument of Evil’. You’ve not relented from the illegal quasi-fiscal activities and expropriate Gold, Diamonds, Currency, and Businesses. I have V11s to your continued direct involvement in the Recon Act and more.

It is common cause that you facilitate, and externalize foreign currency and minerals for your syndicate, while you criminalize everyone else. Do you want V11s? In furtherance of your agenda to sustain a regime, you’ve developed a propensity of entitlement. You won’t Win!

The RBZ must return to constitutionalism and the rule of law. I objected to the ‘Debt Assumption Bill’ while in Parliament, precisely because it gives you the false notion that it’s okay to rape citizens by making them pay for your Sins. We sure you must also be redeemed.

Stop perpetuating and sustaining corruption, respect property rights (this includes currency), address the porous borders, stop quasi-fiscal activities, return stolen property, and stop undue criminalizing of citizens and investors. Until then enjoy the Muppet Show!

More: @shumba327
