
Re-dollarisation Will Not Solve Zimbabwe's Crises - Biti {Full Thread}

Re-dollarisation Will Not Solve Zimbabwe's Crises - Biti {Full Thread}

So the regime’s opaque attempt to re-dollarize marks the desperate act of a desperate regime that is literally on its knees. With the closure of Beitbridge, dwindling diaspora remittances, the collapse of the #SMP, fuel & energy crises, #COVID19, grain shortages, the regime is in crises.

Re-dollarization will not mask or obviate the need for genuine structural reforms in Zimbabwe, nor the imperator to resolve the crises of legitimacy. It will not hide the genuine need for a lasting political settlement. Nor will it hide the regime’s gross incompetence and abuse of power.

#COVID19 has exposed the regime for what it is, a bungling incompetent corrupt gang of thugs masquerading as a government. The regime lied about its state of readiness. It can’t test , survey trace, isolate or treat. It does not have PPE for staff nor basic equipment e.g. ventilators.

The Minister of Health (DJ Biscuit )has been exposed as a charlatan who has lied about his qualifications . The chap must resign as a matter of urgency. He is a threat to the vital interests of the country. #COVID19 too has amplified how predatory and corrupt regime is.

The entry of cartel-in -chief #Sakunda and #Trafigura into hospital infrastructure, despite established actors in the health sector, is an indictment. #StateCapture is the bane of the regime but #Tagwireyi has invaded the scene precisely because the State and Ministry of Finance have failed.

The failure of the Min of Finance and government to pour resources into #COVID19 is criminal negligence. Mnangagwa and his regime do not care and Wananchi are on their own. The biggest crises the country faces is thus a crisis of leadership. Emmerson has failed and failed in absolute terms.

More: @BitiTendai
