
Man Breaks Both Legs During Prayer Session

Man Breaks Both Legs During Prayer Session

A Victoria Falls man suffered horrific leg injuries after he slipped from the cliff top and was caught precariously on tree branches before he could plunge into the flooded Zambezi River while praying.

Elmon Muleya (29), a member of Twelve Apostles Church, had his legs crushed by a huge boulder and had to be ferried by an ambulance from Victoria Falls Hospital to Bulawayo where he is now awaiting surgery.

The injured man’s brother, Wallace Muleya, revealed that the family is struggling to raise the money needed for him to be operated on. He said:

He has to go to a specialist so that they insert a metal rod into his legs. In Victoria Falls, they just put a plaster to balance the legs but he is in deep pain.

So far, we have managed to raise US$300 out of the US$500 required for him to be attended by a private doctor in Bulawayo and we appeal to well-wishers to help as this incident came at a time when we are not working because of the lockdown.

Christopher Mufakwatsi, a Mkhosana suburb resident whose car was used to take Muleya from the gorges to hospital told the Chronicle that the incident occurred at a shrine mainly used by apostolic and Zionist sects in the resort town.

More: Chronicle
