
UNICEF Supporting The Widow OF Zim's COVID-19 Third Fatality - UN

UNICEF Supporting The Widow OF Zim's COVID-19 Third Fatality - UN

The United Nations International Children’s Educational Fund is reportedly supporting the widow and the family of the 50-year-old man who succumbed to COVID-19 this week becoming the 3rd COVID-19 death in Zimbabwe, New Zimbabwe reports.

The publication claims the 3rd victim is called Charles Zvandaziva who was an engineer at Hwange’s widow missed her husband’s quick funeral as she was stuck at work in Sudan where she works for UNICEF.

UN Zimbabwe office resident coordinator Maria Gomes in a statement said:

I know UNICEF is doing all they can to bring Charity home as soon as possible. Every action is being taken with regards to supporting the affected family with counselling and necessary health care follow-up in line with the World Health Organisation protocols to minimise risks to them and others

11 cases have been recorded in Zimbabwe up to date and 3 fatalities have been reported so far.

More: New Zimbabwe 
