
Jonathan Moyo Points Out Zim Opposition Politicians' Major 'Weakness'

Jonathan Moyo Points Out Zim Opposition Politicians' Major 'Weakness'

Former ZANU PF politburo member and Minister of Higher and Tertiary Education, Jonathan Moyo, says a major weakness of opposition politicians in Zimbabwe is that they make speeches that are not backed by actions.

In a tweet on Wednesday Moyo advised opposition politicians to read a book on speech and action by Hannah Arendt, “Human Condition”. He wrote:

A major weakness of opposition politicians in Zimbabwe is their failure to understand that speech is useful only if it leads to action. They just say things.

Yet speech not followed by action is utterly useless. A trenchant book on speech and action is Hannah Arendt’s, Human Condition!

Opposition MDC politicians have often been accused of releasing press statements as well as promising to launch rolling protests with nothing tangible on the ground following the lofty statements.
