
Malaria - COVID-19 Parirenyatwa Patient Recovers From Malaria - Report

Malaria - COVID-19 Parirenyatwa Patient Recovers From Malaria - Report

A 52-year-old Murehwa man who tested positive for COVID-19 at Parirenyatwa where he was being treated for Malaria has recovered from malaria and has been discharged from the Hospital to self isolate at home where he will continue his COVID-19 recovery journey, ZimLive reports.

This was revealed today by the Ministry Of Health and Childcare in a statement which said:

He responded well to the treatment for malaria & he will continue with his (coronavirus) recovery under self-isolation at home.

The man who was admitted for Malaria tested positive for COVID-19 despite not having a travel history and having no contact with other COVID-19 cases:

He was tested for Covid-19 in line with intensified surveillance and active case finding strategy that is being implemented nationally. Under this approach, all patients admitted in hospital are being tested for Covid-19

Zimbabwe has so far recorded 32 COVID-19 cases which include 4 deaths and 5 recoveries.

More: ZimLive 
