
221 Zimbos Return From The US

221 Zimbos Return From The US

According to the Information Ministry’s Permanent Secretary Nick Mangwana, 200+ Zimbabweans have returned home from the United States of America which has seen millions of people contracting the virus and over 101 000 people dying from COVID-19.

According to the Insider Mangwana gave the following statistics about returnees coming from different parts of the world:

  • 221 Zimbabweans are returning home from Miami,
  • 111 are coming from the United Arab Emirates,
  • 21 from Kuwait,
  • 39 from the Netherlands,
  • 8 the United Kingdom
  • 18 from Angola.

This was before officials announced that Air Namibia will bring in Zimbabweans who work on cruise ships. Meanwhile, almost two-thirds of COVID-19 cases are imported from other countries and people have urged the government to temporarily close down borders to curb COVID-19 import cases.

More: The Insider
