
'Thank You For Standing With Me', Chin'ono Vows To Continue Exposing Corruption

'Thank You For Standing With Me', Chin'ono Vows To Continue Exposing Corruption

Freelance journalist and award-winning filmmaker Hopewell Chin’ono says he has no regrets for exposing corruption even though it led to his arrest and detention for over a month at a maximum-security prison.

In a post on his Facebook page on Thursday, Chin’ono also expressed gratitude to Zimbabweans and the world at large for the support he received while he was in prison on charges of inciting public violence. He wrote:

8 weeks ago the regime came after me, broke into my home and threw me into prison for exposing corruption and the looting of COVID-19 funds.

Thankfully the world stood with me as the truth was self-evident!

I would like to thank all Zimbabweans, South Africans, Africans and global citizens that stood with me and kept my persecution in the world mental and public consciousness.

We have to keep on moving against corruption and the abuse of the constitution by the political crooks!
Thank you all for your support and solidarity!

As with everything that involves the theft of public funds, there are some useless citizens who are bought to divert our attention from the REAL issues!

Ignore sideshows and stay focused on exposing the looting of public funds, the plundering of national resources, and the denial of our constitutional rights!

The biggest hospital in Zimbabwe is Harare Hospital also known as Sally Mugabe Hospital. It only has 2 Maternity theatres built in 1977 by the colonial government.

Only one of those 2 maternity theatres is working today, but there are NO nurses, so it is not working too!
2500 women are dying yearly in Zimbabwe whilst giving birth!

That is 15 jumbo jets crashing every year and killing 2500 Zimbabwean pregnant woman! That is the cost of ZANU-PF corruption on Zimbabwe!

We exposed the wicked looting of US$60 million meant for COVID-19 through the criminal syndicate called Drax!

Zimbabwe’s 6 central hospitals only need US$50 million annually to run smoothly without any shortages!

Yet a group of thieves led by Obadiah Moyo looted millions using shelf companies, and criminals like Delish Nguwaya!

I was imprisoned for 45 days for exposing these crooks. That is my personal contribution for a better Zimbabwe, I have no regrets for exposing them, the exposures should continue if we want a better Zimbabwe!

I take my hat off for Beatrice Mtetwa, Advocate Taona Nyamakura, Doug Coltart, Gift Mutisi and Rose Hanzi and her Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights!

To the citizens, keep on moving against corruption or else your children would have no future! Do it for the women who are dying giving birth across the country, do it for you hire (sic) dying in their homes without healthcare!
