
Local Organisation Offers $10 Agribusiness Courses In Crops, Animals and Fruit Tree Farming For Zimbabweans

Local Organisation Offers $10 Agribusiness Courses In Crops, Animals and Fruit Tree Farming For Zimbabweans


A local Agri-business information and marketing resources organisation, Peta Agro Initiatives, is offering online courses in crops, animal, and fruit tree farming targeted at Zimbabweans. The courses will commence on Monday, 2 November, and will carry through to the coming year.

The program, whose cost is is US $10, has 52 Intensive Online Agro courses covering small grains, Watermelons, Green Beans, Butternuts, Poultry, Fish farming, Horses, Rabbits among others (see full list below):

Peta Agro Initiatives Courses


Crops: Maize, Cotton, Small Grains, Cabbages, Watermelons, Greenbeans, Butternuts, Soya Beans, Sweet Potatoes, Mushroom, Garlic and Ginger, Onions & Shallots, Peppers and Chillies, Cucumbers, Peas, Green Leafy Veggies, Strawberries, Woodlots, Lettuce, Tomatoes, Wheat, Carrots, Beetroot, Tea and Coffee, Sugar Cane, Sunflower, Floriculture, Hydroponics.

Animals: Goats, Road Runners, Broilers, Layers, Sheep, Maggot Production, Cattle, Pigs, Vermiculture (Worms), Turkeys, Dogs, Horses, Aquaculture, Apiculture (beekeeping), Animal Feed Formulation, Rabbits.

Fruits: Citrus Trees; Mangoes; Bananas; Grape; Apples and Pears; Plums, Peaches and Nectarines, Avocado Pears.


The courses are designed to answer questions such as the following:

1. How exactly is the farming of this plant or animal done?
2. What is the full cost of going into this business?
3. What is the cost breakdown?
4. What are the risks?
5. How can I mitigate or eliminate the risks inherent in this business?
6. Who are the suppliers?
7. Where is the market?
8. Can I export this?
9. What standards are expected in this business both for local supply and export?
10. Can I get funding?


The full cost for the 52 weeks – USD 10
Deadline for payments – Saturday 31 October 2020 (Ecocash, USD, Zipit accepted)

After 31 October, each weekly course will now be costing US$2.50.

Those interested in taking up the course can contact Coach Ruvarashe on WhatsApp +263773868946.

They can also join the Peta Agro Initiatives WhatsApp group
