
Chamisa Deserves Our Support - Ngarivhume Speaks On Not Reviving His Political Party

4 years agoWed, 20 Jan 2021 05:48:40 GMT
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Chamisa Deserves Our Support - Ngarivhume Speaks On Not Reviving His Political Party

Transform Zimbabwe leader Jacob Ngarivhume has said he has been asked questions why he is not reviving his party. In response, Ngarivhume said Nelson Chamisa leads the biggest opposition party for now and he needs to be supported.

Tweeted Ngarivhume:

Some people are asking me to revive Transform Zimbabwe- the political party I lead. But I believe now is the the for a new kind of mature politics. @nelsonchamisa leads the largest opposition party. By virtue of that he deserves our support.

The MDC-A is the voice of the people on the international stage and it’s time the world heard from us. #timetoact

Ngarivhume also advised the MDC Alliance to engage Zimbabweans and push for reforms before the next presidential elections:

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My hope is that the MDC-A’s leadership may begin to engage the people of Zimbabwe and guide the process for reforms working with regional and international partners to take head-on the abuses in our country.

Ngarivhume headlined last year for mobilizing people to demonstrate against {resident Mnangagwa’s maladministration. He was arrested together with Journalist Hopewell Chin’ono and stayed in prison for 45 days charged with inciting public violence.

Source: Jacob Ngarivhume Twitter 



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