
Polo Zimbabwe Mourns Geoff Lay

Polo Zimbabwe Mourns Geoff Lay

Polo Zimbabwe through its representative Peter McDonald have mourned the death of polo player and veterinarian Geoff Lay who passed on this week, The Herald reports.

Speaking on behalf of Polo Zimbabwe, McDonald said Lay who he described as a statesman was part of Polo Zimbabwe since forever:

Geoff has been part of Zimbabwe’s ‘horsing family’ scene forever, and he will be missed by all who knew him as ‘the vet’, on the polo field, at farms and studs, or at the race course.

He must have responded to thousands of requests to solve problems with polo ponies and race horses for that matter.

In summary, Geoff was generous with his time and advice, calm under pressure from eager young polo players, and he had a dry sense of humour.

An elder statesman would be the most accurate description.

Geoff Lay will be fondly remembered, after what was an exceptionally good innings. Rest in peace, old friend

Details of how Lay who reportedly trained many ponies that made names in polo died are still sketchy. McDonald told stories of how Lay would be asked to “fix a lame pony for tomorrow”  and his responses. Lay’s death comes at a time Zimbabwe is struggling to contain COVID-19 which has killed over 1100 people.

More: The Herald 
