
Bhebhe Denies Joining Chamisa's MDC Alliance

3 years agoThu, 01 Apr 2021 16:54:08 GMT
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Bhebhe Denies Joining Chamisa's MDC Alliance

Former MDC-T Organising Secretary, Abednico Bhebhe has dismissed claims which suggest that he rejoined the opposition MDC Alliance led by Nelson Chamisa.

Media reports suggested Bhebhe who was expelled from MDC-T shortly before the party’s chaotic Extraordinary congress (EOC) held in December last year had joined the Chamisa-led outfit.

In a statement, Bhebhe dismissed the reports but insisted his call for the Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) factions to regroup to remove the ruling ZANU PF from power. He said:

It is common sense that only a united opposition can electorally dislodge the ruinous ZANU PF regime and usher an accountable government in its place. This is what the suffering majority want, and I am merely articulating the aspirations of the generality of Zimbabweans as a politician. My stand on unity of the MDC as well as of all oppositional forces is known by all the various leaders of our once glorious movement.

Those opposed to the principle of constitutionalism and unity of the MDC have chosen to target me as a person and not the principle that I espouse. They prefer not to play the ball but harm a player. All done to give politics a dirty name when it is simple greed, manipulation and lack of character.

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Against this backdrop, it is silly and mischievous if not devious too, to suggest that Abednico Bhebhe has joined the MDC Alliance. I remain where I have always been and consistently so since 2017 when the discord began, I stand for unity of the MDC which is the only avenue to consign ZANU PF to the dustbin of history come 2023.

Out of ignorance or malice, perhaps a combination of both, some have created an impression that I have 3 hop knobbed from one party to another. As far as I am concerned, I have stood by my beliefs which have not changed, and they are not about to change. I have worked with progress people across the factional divide, and I do not regret it and will continue to do so as long as that would yield a stronger opposition against the heinous ZANU PF.

In February this year, reports suggested Bhebhe had been re-admitted into the MDC-T but he also dismissed the reports.

His remarks come when the opposition in the country is in disarray with analysts urging them to reunite to avoid embarrassment in 2023 when the country returns to the polls.



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