
Pindula News on LinkedIn - Here's How To Follow

Pindula News on LinkedIn - Here's How To Follow

In addition to being on Facebook, Twitter, Telegram and WhatsApp,Pindula is now on LinkedIn.

Among our readers are professionals and job seekers who spend a significant amount on LinkedIn. We’d like to be available where you are.

The Pindula page will have news updates and profiles of prominent Zimbabweans. We will also use it share updates about our company and information about new job opportunities here.

You can follow Pindula and LinkedIn by doing the following:

  1. Visit the Pindula LinkedIn page here:
  2. Click the Follow button.


Follow Pindula LinkedIn Page on Android:

If you ave the LinkedIn app on Android, here’s how you can follow our page:

  1. Type Pindula (without the quotes) into the Search bar at the top of your LinkedIn homepage.
  2. Click Companies at the top of the search results page.
    • Our page will be listed at the top with our logo showing
  3. Tap the ➕ Follow button.


Once you follow us, you’ll receive all updates we share in your homepage feed.


