
Christ Embassy Pastor Arrested Over Unvaccinated Congregants

Christ Embassy Pastor Arrested Over Unvaccinated Congregants

A Harare-based Christ Embassy Ministries pastor was arrested on Sunday after police found a gathering of 50 unvaccinated members congregating in violation of COVID-19 regulations.

National police spokesperson Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi on Monday said the pastor from Harare’s Glen View high-density residential area was fined $2 000 while some of the church members are still assisting police with investigations.

Last week the government said churches could resume in-person services but only for fully vaccinated congregants, who have had both doses of the COVID-19 vaccine.

Congregants are also required to wear masks, observe social distancing and sanitise on entry.

While no limit was placed on the number attending a particular service, the social distance requirements mean that the church leaders will have to limit numbers so that the need is met.

Meanwhile, reports indicate that most traditional churches like the Roman Catholic, Anglican, Methodist and Reformed Church in Zimbabwe, among others, did not conduct services this past Sunday as most of their members are not vaccinated.

More: The Herald
