
Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa Road Designated Development Corridor

Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa Road Designated Development Corridor

City of Harare has designated Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa Road (formerly Enterprise Road) in Harare as a development corridor in a move it says was in response to local property owners who wanted to change use into commercial properties.

A new shopping mall, Highland Park, is already on cards at the corner of Arcturus and Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa Roads.

Harare City Council spokesperson Michael Chideme said properties on the highway that links Harare and the Nyamapanda border post can be converted into commercial thereby creating employment and adding ambience to the city. Said Chideme:

The reason is to spur development and renew the city infrastructure as we move towards 2025, create employment, reduce congestion and allow mixed-use developments.

… Now, development can take place going upwards creating a new skyline for Harare.
The landscape on the road will soon witness high rise buildings formerly a preserve of the central business district.

Hotels are planned, restaurants already decorate the landscape and a hospital will soon be opened along the corridor affording residents of the area easier access to a health facility.

Chideme said a number of other thoroughfares in Harare have been designated development corridors.

These include Samora Machel, Second Street Extension, Simon Mazorodze and Lomagundi roads.

More: The Herald
