
N'angas, Faith Healers Implicated In Sexual Gender-based Violence

N'angas, Faith Healers Implicated In Sexual Gender-based Violence

Traditional healers (n’angas) and apostolic healers are among the perpetrators of sexual gender-based violence (SGBV) against women and girls with disabilities.

This was said by Public Service and Social Development, director of disability affairs Christine Peta in an interview with Said Peta:

It is a growing problem that needs to be nipped because women with disabilities are being sexually abused by apostolic sect healers and traditional healers.

There is a huge problem here in Zimbabwe of women and girls with disabilities facing (SGBV).

We are seeing prophets from the apostolic sect telling women with mantle disabilities that if they want to be healed they should sleep with them.

I heard from the spirit that it is the only way to heal you and make you whole again without disability.

Peta said the healers sexually abuse disabled women and girls on the pretext that they will be healed if they consent to sexual intercourse with them. She said:

If you want to get out of the wheelchair you should sleep with me, this is happening in the apostolic sect and traditional healers.

In our research, we have found that the healing process at these places is shrouded in SGBV.

Women Coalition of Zimbabwe (WiCoZ) national coordinator Sally Dura said:

As WiCoZ, we will engage traditional healers and faith-based organisations in coming up with ways of tackling SGBV against women and girls.

