Chikupu Rock Art Shelter

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Chikupu Rock Art Shelter

Chikupu Rock Art Shelter is situated in chinhamhora communal lands.The caves are facing you on the east side of the hill and are reached by taking the path and then turning right up a short, scree slope. There are three caves within close proximity. Cave (1) is easily reached, but Cave (2) has a slippery exterior rock face and is most easily climbed at the western end. Cave (3) is out of sight of the first two caves, but west of the Cave (1) and is best reached by scrambling over the neck of the bare granite hill. Once passed the caves are visible above you.

Why Visit

Peter Garlake states the caves, two adjoining and one a short distance away, contain probably the greatest number of paintings on any site in Zimbabwe, many in excellent condition.Fairly easy to access from Harare, perhaps 90 minutes journey on good to fair road. 4WD not required, although high clearance is advised for driving in the Communal lands.

How to get there

Leave Harare on the Borrowdale Road, distances are from Borrowdale police station. 13.4 KM the road crosses a grid and enters the Chinamora Communal Lands. 16.3KM pass the signpost to Domboshawa National Monument. 26.6 KM pass the signpost to Ngomakurira National monument. 30.0 KM leave the tar road and turn left onto the dirt road. 34.8 KM pass Chinamora School primary / secondary school, 39.4 KM pass Jingo School, 43.1 KM turn right at T-junction. 51.0 KM turn right at Chisiga store for Masembura School; 52.3 KM pass Masembura School turnoff. Do not take the right fork. Pass the large granite dome on your right. Chikupu is the large low hill ahead on the right; 56.5 KM turn right onto the track and park at the foot of the hill. I suggest you ask a local person to guide you the last few hundred metres. The Borrowdale road to the Chinamora Communal Lands is a good tar road. The next 17 KM of tar road is much repaired with numerous potholes. The dirt road to site is quite passable in 2WD as long as caution is taken where the road gets eroded in the rains. Journey takes about one and a half hours.

The caves are facing you on the east side of the hill and are reached by taking the path and then turning right up a short, scree slope. There are three caves within close proximity. Cave (1) is easily reached, but Cave (2) has a slippery exterior rock face and is most easily climbed at the western end. Cave (3) is out of sight of the first two caves, but west of the Cave (1) and is best reached by scrambling over the neck of the bare granite hill. Once passed the caves are visible above you.

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