Competition And Tariff Commission

Competition And Tariff Commission Jobs

The Competition and Tariff Commission (Commission) is a statutory body established under the Competition Act [Chapter 14:28]. The present Commission is a product of the merger in 2001 of the former Industry and Trade Competition Commission (ITCC) and Tariff Commission (TC). The ITCC had been established under the Competition Act, 1996 (No.7 of 1996) as a competition regulatory authority, while the TC had been established under the Tariff Commission Act [ Chapter 14:29] as a trade tariffs advisory authority. Both the ITCC and TC had commenced operations in 1998. The merger of the ITCC and TC was provided for under the Competition Amendment Act, 2001 (No.29 of 2001), which also repealed the Tariff Commission Act [Chapter 14:29].

The Commission therefore has the twin mandates of implementing  Zimbabwe’s competition policy and execution of the country’s trade tariffs policy, with the primary objective of enforcing the Competition Act [Chapter 14:28].

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