
Chidhakwa throws Gudyanga under the bus

Chidhakwa throws Gudyanga under the bus

Appearing before a Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Mines and Energy chaired by Masvingo Urban legislator Dr Daniel Shumba, Mines and Mining Development Minister Walter Chidhakwa yesterday said he did not know why Pedstock Investments was paid $1,3 million by the Minerals Marketing Corporation of Zimbabwe, presumably for the services the agricultural company had provided to the Zimbabwe Republic Police.

MMCZ paid Pedstock acting on a directive from the Mines and Mining Development Secretary Professor Francis Gudyanga. Coincidentally, Pedstock Investments supplied and installed state-of- the-art irrigation equipment worth thousands of dollars at Prof Gudyanga’s farm near Rusape.

Said Chidhakwa:

Pedstock, I think it is a company used by the police. To tell you the truth, I was shocked when I saw an article in the newspaper to say we have paid Pedstock. I could not understand and asked the secretary why we were paying Pedstock.

He however refused to reveal details regarding payment arrangements made by a South African company contracted for security services.

More: Herald
