
Coltrane Chimurenga threatens to deal with "traitor" Pastor Evan Mawarire

Coltrane Chimurenga threatens to deal with "traitor" Pastor Evan Mawarire

Coltrane Chimurenga, leader of the controversial December 12 Movement  has threatened to deal with Pastor Evan Mawarire.  December 12 Movement is a pro-Mugabe group that seeks to support his legacy. Chuimurenga accused Mawaraire of trying of embarrass President Mugabe and described the pastor as a “traitor.”  Chimurenga said the December 12 Movemonet would hunt down any traitors and “treat them like dogs.”

Speaking at the Zanu-PF conference, Chimurenga said:

We were told that this traitor was going to be coming to the United Nations General to try to embarrass our president.

What this traitor underestimated is that New York City is the home and turf of the December 12 Movement and we don’t allow anybody to come threatening that they are going to try to embarrass our president unless we decide that they are going to fall and be buried in the ground.

They were embarrassed and they were sent like running dogs back to where they came from which were the CIA puppets that sent them…

…We must never surrender to traitors who think they can run and hide and sneak around the world wherever they are we must sniff them out and as they come to December 12 Movement we will hunt them down and treat them like dogs.

More: New Zimbabwe


