
Govt blames MDC-T led councils for over 500 water-borne disease related deaths

Govt blames MDC-T led councils for over 500 water-borne disease related deaths

Government has blamed the MDC-T for the death of more than 500 people from water-borne diseases last year alone. Local Government, Public Works and National Housing Minister Saviour Kasukuwere said the majority of MDC-T-run councils were engaged in corrupt activities instead of focusing on service delivery, such as providing clean water, repairing burst sewage pipes and refuse collection. Water-borne diseases, among them diarrhoea, typhoid, dysentery and cholera, are caused by drinking contaminated.

Statistics contained in the Ministry of Health and Child Care’s weekly report on Epidemic–Prone Diseases, Deaths and Public Health Events for the week ending December 25, 2016, revealed that 435 people died from common diarrhoea, 84 from dysentery, typhoid 9 and cholera claimed one person. The total number of people who have died from the water-borne diseases since last year is 529. It is understood that the majority of deaths were in urban areas particularly in Harare.

MDC-T spokesperson Mr Obert Gutu blamed residents for “not paying rates” and Minister Kasukuwere for “interfering” in the running of local authorities.

More: Herald
