
Tsvangirai speaks on stepping down & coalition with Mujuru

Tsvangirai speaks on stepping down & coalition with Mujuru

In an interview with ANN7 , MDC-T leader Morgan Tsvangirai said that he will not be stepping down stating that it is difficult to change leadership in the middle of a struggle citing Nelson Mandela and Oliver Tambo as examples. Despite a number of callers urging him to step down, Tsvangirai said that members of MDC-T still want him as president, an excuse Audrey Chimwanda said was similar to that given by Zanu PF leader, President Robert Mugabe.

He also said that he is committed to forming a coalition with Zimbabwe People First leader, Joice Mujuru despite him not assisting her party in the Bikita West by-election which he said was not a litmus test for the coalition.

You can watch the full interview here
