
Zanu PF youth leader suspended for allegedly refusing to raise money for Mugabe's birthday

Zanu PF youth leader suspended for allegedly refusing to raise money for Mugabe's birthday

ZANU PF youth leaders, including Davis Muhambi , the party’s Bulawayo provincial youth secretary for Finance, who allegedly refused to raise funds for President Robert Mugabe’s 93rd birthday, have been suspended following last week’s demonstration at the party’s provincial offices in Bulawayo.

Central committee member, Anna Moyo, was suspended for allegedly teaming up with other youths during the demonstrations. Muhambi was suspended for allegedly refusing to fundraise for Mugabe’s birthday celebration which was held last month after he allegedly told the provincial youth leadership that he could not fundraise “for a 93 year old” while youths were starving.

Other youth leaders who were suspended are provincial deputy secretary for education, Munashe Matutsa and Mabutho Moyo, Luveve district youth commissar.

