
Minority tribes have been excluded and dominated by the majority:  Morgan Tsvangirai

Minority tribes have been excluded and dominated by the majority:  Morgan Tsvangirai

Opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai says that the grievances of minority tribes are genuine.  The MDC-T President said that he heard the “cries”  of the minority tribes during his tour of the provinces.

Speaking at a press conference Tsvangirai said:

I  heard the cry of the minorities- how they do not feel they are part of the country. The Venda, the Ndebele, the Kalanga, the Ndau, the Tonga and the Shangaan all told me sad stories of abuse that confirm the ignominy of the tyranny of the majority,

There is a legitimate concern about exclusion and domination by those that feel they are the majority tribes in our country.”

This is shameful, considering that this is the brave 21st century. We certainly cannot afford, in this day and age, to have people with a sense of entitlement by virtue of the fact that they come from a tribe they subjectively regard as a majority tribe.


Tsvangirai emphasised that he is embracing a policy of reconciliation and that there would be no retribution if the MDC-T wins the 2018 elections.

There will be neither vengeance nor retribution against anyone. There is certainly nothing to fear about a free and fair election and the new political and economic order that it will engender in our country.

More: New Zimbabwe

