
Mugabe is too old to care about the people says Mujuru

Mugabe is too old to care about the people says Mujuru

While visiting party officials admitted at Parirenyatwa Group of Hospitals’ intensive care unit after being involved in a car accident on Saturday night, National People’s Party leader Joice Mujuru said President Robert Mugabe is in being kept in office by people who have looted this country and they think the only way to escape is by keeping the old man hostage in office.

Said Mujuru:

At 93, what do you expect from him? He just does not care anymore and I doubt he still understands what is expected of him in terms of providing solutions to address the economic rot which is causing this decay of social service delivery. Mugabe has always said if Zimbabweans tell me to go, I will go, so he is there because we have not told him to go. I believe we should tell him to go … he is being kept in office by people who have looted this country and they think the only way to escape is by keeping the old man hostage in office.

More: NewsDay
