
Chamisa says he is praying for Mugabe to live beyond 2018 to see "a new MDC-run Zimbabwe"

Chamisa says he is praying for Mugabe to live beyond 2018 to see "a new MDC-run Zimbabwe"

Addressing a rally in Mufakose on Sunday, MDC-T Vice President, Nelson Chamisa, said he is praying for President Robert Mugabe’s good health so that he lives beyond 2018 “to see a new MDC-run Zimbabwe in which he will need not travel overseas for healthcare.”

Said Chamisa:

When we get into power in 2018 . . . these hospitals you see are not going to be death traps that you see today in which you have to go with your own water and  . . . drugs. These hospitals will be five-star hospitals . . . others are going to fake injuries just to get into hospital. When we get into power, I am praying that . . . Mugabe will still be alive to enjoy those benefits. I want him to get healthcare at Parirenyatwa and not in Singapore. It’s my greatest wish. To show that we can do it as Zimbabweans, after all we have the best doctors. Let Zimbabwe be a country of excellence. Things are difficult in Zimbabwe not because of bad luck but bad governance.

More: Daily News
